Dry Eye Disease, Blepharitis
and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

What are dry eye symptoms?

Common symptoms can include:

  • Burning/stinging/grittiness
  • Itching
  • Light sensitivity
  • Eye redness
  • Variable vision/eye tiredness
  • Contact lens discomfort
  • Excessive watery eyes (as a reflex response to irritation)


Why does it happen?

Dry eyes are caused by an unstable tear film. The tears your eyes produce may be deficient in quantity or quality, or they simply evaporate too quickly. A normal tear film is around 3 microns thick and is made of three distinct layers; (1) the mucin layer, a sticky layer that helps the tear film bind to the cornea. Mucin is made in the conjunctival goblet cells, (2) the aqueous layer or the watery later. This is the bulk of the tear film and carry the nutrients, defence agents and gives clear vision. Aqueous is made and secreted by the lacrimal gland (3) the lipid or oily layer, essentially stops the tears from evaporating. It is produced in the meibomian glands in the eyelids.


What does a dry eye assesment involve & what does it cost?

Your appointment will last around 40 minutes with the Optometrist.  We will take a detailed history and symptoms including a tear film questionnaire, use fluorescein sodium to look in more detail at the tear film quality and ocular surface, assess the underside of the eyelids, the eyelid margin and the orifices of the meibomian glands, the tear ducts, blink rate and response, tear break-up time (TBUT), and your tear meniscus.  We will document your tear quailty using imgaing techniques.  With this information, we develop a personalised treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and concerns. We will then review your progress with any treatment at a further appointment 2-4 weeks later.

Dry Eye Clinic Consultations are £85, which includes one follow up appointment, but doesn’t include prescribed eye drops, ointments or gels


Who will be carrying out the assesment?

The assesment will be carried out by one of our dry eye accredited Optometrists; Mrs Simpson or Miss Bryan. Both have completed the Moorfields Eye Hospital Dry Eye Course.

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