Minor Eye Conditions Service
What is a minor eye conditions service?
At Allister and Simpson Opticians we are accredited to provide free of charge NHS urgent eye care appointments for a number of different symptoms. These include:
- Recently occurring flashing lights or floaters in vision
- Red eye or eyelids
- Dry, gritty or uncomfortable eyes
- Irritation and inflammation of the eyes
- Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye
- Ingrowing eyelashes
- Recent and sudden loss of vision
- Foreign body in the eye
Please note, this is not a sight test. Only presenting symptoms will be investigated during this assessment.
Who is this service for?
This service is funded by the NHS and is free of charge for everyone as long as your GP is based in West Cheshire or Wirral. If your GP is based outside of these areas we can still see you; however, there will be a fee. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
How do I book an appointment?
To make an appointment please call the practice. You will be asked a number of questions over the phone in order to assess how quickly you need to be seen. Urgent cases will be seen within 24 hours and routine assessments will be within a few days.
Please bring your glasses and a list of your current medication to your appointment.
What should I do if the practice is closed?
If the practice is closed and you’re concerned about an eye problem please call 111 or visit 111 online.
Meet Our Staff

Mark Simpson BSc (Hons) MCOptom DipTp (IP)

